Exhibitor Set-Up – Sat Nov 20, 2021 Date:November 20, 2021 Time:7:30 AM Event:Richmond! VA Comicon Nov 20, 2021! Abundant Studio Sethe Howell! Nerdgasmatron Elika Nikouee Crowdsourcing For Creatives Erraticsmith Jackie Husar Ruffwood Comics Christian Ingram Jason Brockwell Number 12 Creations Tallboy’s Comics Crystal Quietude Comic and TCG Guys SilverWolf Crafts The Pin Pal REN Patrick Dodson! Awesome Minis Iggysato Studios Almighty Afro Artwork Couple ‘O Kiwis Alicia’s Anime & Video Games Dren Productions Mark D’Ornellas Geoff Weber Comics H.E.ROdriguez Dario Huynh Incredible Elijah BerryPop Udderly Ridiculous Productions Artway Alliance! 1981 DeLorean – VIN #2186 Brian Paone Ancient Illumination RVA Fantasy Authors! Hell Kitten RVA James Saunders Jeremy Rodden Author Mary Terrani Controllers ‘n’ Dice Sinister At Arms Cosplay & Props David Hindelang! Author AJ McMullen Dave’s Toys Flashpoint Games LLC Fraga Studios! Stephen Burks Art Toy Lair Geeks Under the Influence Podcast FanAddicts by WaterDeep Traders 24×4 BC Photography LLC Wizarding Whatnots Wand Shop Jeneko in Japan Timmy Danger Nick Justus Linda Redmond! PUNISHER Battle VAN! Never E-Nuff Wood! Terralepus! Bricks and Broomsticks! Pop Squad! Monarch Comics! Jason Keith! Banks Robinson! Donald Jones! Dimensiondecals.net Art of DJ Jackson! Griffin Comics and Toys! Wade’s Amusement! Gillimurphy Press! Ricardo_Auditore Sarah Miller Creations Nerd Elysium! Lomagz Toyz! Starz’N’Carz Jimmy Montgomery! KO Collectibles M&B Comics! Elk Moon Creations Specters Anonymous Barefoot Comics Minty Fresh Comics Frank Lester! The Collector’s Attic! Enrique Roberts! Brett Carreras’ Stuff! Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find! Steve Bird The Rebel Legion Moving Pictures AdHouse Books RanelynnGraphics Retro Steam Studios The 501st! Fredericksburg’s Greatest! Johndell Snead! icollectables Rick Fortenberry! RAW JAW BONE GRAPHICS CBCS Comic Grading! Gary Cohn Dan Parent Dan Nokes Jason Hamlin Guy Rose! UNTAMED WORLDS Black Dog Collectables All-American Comics!