Summer Show Opens to VIPs! Exhibitor Date:July 8, 2017 Time:10:00 AM Event:VA Comicon at VCU July 8-9, 2017! Classic Pro Wrestling Oh Snap Collectables Jonathan Brandon Sawyer Nick Winstead Indi Martin Kolorspun Samantha Schaefer Steampunk TARDIS! Steampunk DALEK! Cameron Clark We are all Corrupted Welcome Back Comics Michelle Sunda Specters Anonymous Adam Meadors Paul Manning Eric Hurd! Don Drakulich (GWAR) Chuck Varga (GWAR) Dalek “LOUIE” Brian Bear CW Richmond Matt Miner mc chris (Sat only) Frank Lester! Mike McKone Lewis Forro The Hungry Nerd Enrique Roberts! Brett Carreras’ Stuff! Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find! VA Comicon Exclusives! Forstle LLC The Rebel Legion Moving Pictures The TARDIS! Kevin Roberts! Bartez Comics T. S. Creager Southern Maryland Comic-Con! A Steampunked Life Dave’s Comics Warehouse Magdalene Visaggio RanelynnGraphics James Noll Apocalypse Comics Tidewater Comicon Larry Hama! The 501st! aois21 Publishing Eclipse Pop Johndell Snead! Painted Visions Comics! Patrick Ian Moore Tommy Bechtold! Walter Jones! Elise’s Pieces Emizart Brian Lacy Art MATT SLAY Jackie Craft (Cosplay) RAW JAW BONE GRAPHICS Justin Brown John “Waki” Wycough Dan Nokes Jason Hamlin Guy Rose! White Tiger Filmz