“I am a Virginia Realtor and a HUGE NERD. (Seriously, my logo is a Dragon with a house) I’ve held a booth space at AwesomeCon the past few years and would love to be a part of a more local Northern Virginia Con! I don’t have anything to sell, my goal is to meet people and let them know that someone who understands their hobbies is here and can help them buy or sell their home…Happy to answer any questions you have!”
- Short Bio:NERDY home sales!
- http://www.nicoleduffey.com
January 27, 2019, 08:00
(Fairfax) 2019 Exhibitor Setup (Sunday)
FAIRFAX, VA! Comicon & Toy Show! -
June 9, 2018, 07:30
(Fairfax) 2018 Exhibitor Setup (Saturday)
Fairfax! VA Comicon at GMU June 9-10, 2018!