Bill is a regular on the Mid-Atlantic Con scene. Being seen at every fashionable comic and pop con dig, from New York Comicon to HeroesCon and even here at the VA Show! Bill has done a number of high profile sketch card gigs for Adventure Time, Superman, and a host of others. But it was his stint as artist on NIGHT OF THE 80’S UNDEAD for ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT’S DANGER ZONE imprint that catapulted him into the rising stars of the comic art scene! More on what Mister McKay can do can be ascertained, by checking out the link below….
- Company:NIGHT OF THE 80's UNDEAD!
February 6, 2016, 10:00
Doors Open (Early-Birds) Feb 6, 2016
Richmond, VA Comicon Feb 6, 2016!